
Showing 1–100 of 186 results

4 piece US $15.00

Taxidermy, Jay paw

85 piece US $20.00

Real wolf bones 4 cm

1 piece US $30.00

Capercaillie paw, dried, processed, odorless

2 piece US $40.00

Partridge Paw, Dried, Processed, Odorless

10 piece US $42.00

Roe deer hoof amulet pendant “Power of love”

2 piece US $45.00

Black goose paw

7 piece US $45.00

Powerful amulet “BEAVER FRONT PAW”

2 piece US $55.00

Jay bird paw pendant with claws

1 piece US $55.00

Black grouse foot pendant

2 piece US $58.00

Amulet “Paw Trinda solitaria”

6 piece US$60.00

Hare’s foot is an amulet for good luck, hare paw

8 piece US $65.00

Raven Claw Amulet

2 piece US $66.00

Wolf jawbone, Bleached, cleaned, processed, odorless Taxidermy, knife handle, craft supplies , animal jaws

3 piece US $70.00

Natural horn of mountain wild sheep. Natural drinking horn

2 piece US $80.00

Black rooster paw, powerful witch’s amulet is the paw of a black rooster

3 piece US $86.00

Hoof of a sheep, lamb for creating witchcraft artifacts and tools

10 piece US $88.00

Groundhog’s paw is a very powerful amulet, loaded for success

5 piece US $88.00

Amulet pendant “Lynx Claw”, big size

1 piece US $88.00

Set for making a necklace “Fox”, Fox bone jewelry, Natural fox bone

9 piece US $98.00

Amulet “Badger strength”

3 piece US $99.00

Moose hoof, Completely natural

1 piece US $99.00

Wolf Bone Amulet + Crystals

5 piece US $99.00

Wolf Bone Amulet with Runes

2 piece US $100.00

Shaman mirror with claw, toli, panaptu, kuzung

3 piece US $100.00

Pendant amulet “Bear claw with copper ring”

1 piece US $100.00

Set for making necklace “Spirit of the Lynx”

4 piece US$100.00

Raw real grizzly bear claws 7-8 cm

4 piece US$100.00

Natural River Otter Skin

10 piece US $104.00

Real wolf teeth, wolf fangs

1 piece US$105.00

Common Cuckoo Complete with Wings and Tail

1 piece US$105.00

Real Grizzly Bear Claw – Small Size

1 piece US$107.00

Bag for Runes

5 piece US $110.00

Paired pendant “Kite’s claw and owl’s claw”

2 piece US $115.00

Owl Paw with Minerals. Powerful Magical Tool

1 piece US $116.00

Baculum WOLF

2 piece US $126.00

Amulet pendant with wolf claw

1 piece US $128.00

Natural mountain wild sheep horn, drinking horn

2 piece US$130.00

Amulet Owl’s Paw. Ural Owl.

1 piece US$135.00

Real Wolverine Paw Skin

1 piece US$135.00

Real Wolverine Tail Skin

3 piece US $140.00

Boar tusk set. Large size XXXL, Pendant for making jewelry-shamans, Shaman healing with gothic ancient ornament

1 piece US $140.00

Natural horn of mountain wild goat. Viking horn for drinking

8 piece US $144.00

Wolf Paw, real wolf paw, soft paw taxidermy

1 piece US $144.00

Witch pendulum, Pendulum for divination “beaver’s paw”, Pendulum for divination, Handmade, Made from a beaver paw

2 piece US$145.00

Wolverine Tails

1 piece US$145.00

Real Skull of Red-billed Chough

1 piece US $146.00

Women’s hair clip “Fox Jaw” Magical protective attribute

2 piece US $150.00

Shamanic Lash, real Yak tail size XXXXL

2 piece US $150.00

Black Raven Paw Amulet

7 piece US $150.00

Raw real grizzly bear claws 8-9cm

9 piece US$150.00

Raw real grizzly bear claws 8-9cm

2 piece US$150.00

Long Eared Owl Paws with Black Agate and Quartz

1 piece US $155.00

Shaman mirror, toli, panaptu, kuzung

2 piece US$160.00

Black Raven Paws Amulet with Real Lava Beads, Agate and Quartz Stones

10 piece US $160.00

Cleaned Real Grizzly Bear Claws 7-8cm

5 piece US $170.00

Raw real grizzly bear claws 9-10 cm

1 piece US $177.00

Hawk Amulet “Sun God”

10 piece US $180.00

Pendant Amulet “Bear Claw With Runes”

3 piece US$180.00

Real Skulls of Tawny Owls

1 piece US $184.00

Shaman mirror, Toli, panaptu, kuzung

2 piece US $199.00

Magpie paws with minerals. Minerals rose quartz and white quartz

1 piece US $200.00

Owl Totem Amulet on a Leather Cord

10 piece US $200.00

Key chain, real fang tooth bear XXXL size

9 piece US $200.00

Huge bear fangs XXXL size

3 piece US $200.00

Amulet “Wolf Woman”

6 piece US$200.00

Real Polar Bear Claws

2 piece US$200.00

Taxidermy. Real Dyed Chicks.

1 piece US $202.00

Skin of white thrush shama, complete set with wings, tail, paws and skull

1 piece US $202.00

Taxidermy, golden bee-eater skin, complete set with wings, tail, paws and skull

1 piece US $204.00

Turtle tail talisman, 925 sterling silver hardware, leather cord

9 piece US$205.00

Real Raw Grizzly Bear Claws 8-10 cm. Stripped. Rare Colour.

4 piece US $208.00

Natural river otter skin, size XXL, premium quality

1 piece US $209.00

Amulet ” Bear eye”

6 piece US$210.00

Real Wolverine Paws

2 piece US $214.00

Snake amulet “Witch’s knot”

1 piece US $214.00

Snake amulet “Viper tail and bear spirit”

1 piece US $214.00

Snake amulet “Viper spirit”

1 piece US$220.00

Unisex Real Fur Seal Leather Belt

1 piece US $228.00

Natural bull horn for drinking, inlaid with natural stones amethyst and aquamarine, chasing, cupronickel

1 piece US $228.00

Shaman copper mirror with a pattern, Toli, panaptu, kuzung

1 piece US$230.00

Real Skulls of Ural Owls

1 piece US $242.00

Protective amulet “Right wolf’s eye”

1 piece US $244.00

Amulet “Sharp eye of the Bear”

25 piece US $250.00

Amulet from the claw of a bear “The power and strength of the beast”

9 piece US $250.00

Keychain BEAR CLAW, strongest amulet

5 piece US $250.00

Flash card with a real bear claw “Intelligence and power of a bear”, The strongest amulet

1 piece US $250.00

Hawk complete with wings and tail

1 piece US $250.00

Wings, Tail and Paws of the Marsh Harrier

2 piece US$250.00

Ural Owl Skull and Black Raven Skull

3 piece US$250.00

Ural Owl with wings and tail. Set consists of 2 wings and a tail.

3 piece US $250.00

Tawny Owl Complete with Wings and Tail

8 piece US$250.00

Long-eared owl (Asio otus) complete with 2 wings, tail and 2 paws

1 piece US $260.00

Hawk complete with wings and tail, set consists of 2 wings and tail

5 piece US $270.00

Barn Owl bird complete with wings, tail and paws

1 piece US$275.00

Boreal Owl Skin Complete with Wings, Tail and Paws

6 piece US $280.00

Snowy Owl Paw

1 piece US $288.00

Boar tusk pendant, The strongest amulet

6 piece US $300.00

Amulet from the claw of a bear “The power and strength of the beast”, XXXL size

1 piece US$300.00

Huge bear fang XXXL size

1 piece US $300.00

Full falcon kestrel skin, set consists of a single falcon skin with head, paws, wings and tail